United Souls – Extracts from New Book Section 2 – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 43 – The Israel War Real Flow, Spiritual Investment & Soulful Living!

United Souls – Exciting Welcome to Section 2 by Eli Goldsmith – A Journey towards Real Unification in Everyway… – Part 43 – The Israel War Real Flow, Spiritual Investment & Soulful Living! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-e1a?r=oyu71

Dedicated to all the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet & must know. Leave a comment

United Souls Section 2 – 2024 & Onwards…

Let’s begin or rather continue with United Souls for our second section of this special intensely needed  Soulful journey… In our first section written 2020-2021, the height of that crazy time we need not name here (may such a Scam never happen again…) the need for a United Soul experience was urgent. We didn’t have the in-person contact with humanity we had grown accustomed to, we had to go either online or preferably inside to a deeper connection with the people in our circle sphere of influence. We then published with the needed general edits in the Extract format on the growing SubStack platforms 2022-3 (Link here –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow LetterUnited Souls …)

“Gaza War to Victory & New Shefa” – Real Kindness Podcast – Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith – UnityInspireProjects.com & JustOneChesed.org

This process was completed in 42 extracts posted with our book content showcasing the current media and updates surrounding its posting. My goal is to publish the book in parts until the required support to fully publish re-edited and packaged in a way that will increase United Souls’ influence so desperately needed in the current climax. My point was to publish at least in parts no matter what. I pray that this Section 2 be written with the same Soulful goal of United Humanity through the Knowledge of the Soul and this time both sections be fully edited and published… Please reach out to make this a reality (DM/Contact UnityInspireProjects.com) until then the SubStack Extracts will continue Part 43 coming soon. The difference with Section 2 of United Souls are many… We are currently in a War in the Middle East let alone the war that has been raging in the Ukraine etc… Personally, we have had many missile attacks and terror attacks Hashem Yishmor, as well, being the parent of my oldest son who currently is serving in the IDF as a Negavist (Machine Gun Fighter for the Determined Elite Unit 101 which consisted for most of the War removing Terrorist from the Gaza Region of the Holy Land). Now the challenge is to bring the United Souls focus in a world that is talking about Civil War in the US etc… growing concern with Ai, challenging economics, distrust of government, and coordinated unrest by the so-called them, AntiSoulism is trending, and without this needed United Soul knowledge I don’t want to exist in such a climate of disunity, my soul begs for Unity, a common Human Value system, and the only place this can be revealed is the True Source – the Human Soul! Our Mission – Reveal The Soul of Yisrael and the Revelation in all its beauty in the Holy Land. Let’s take this journey together and share this light globally.

midnightrabbi_inspires A post shared by @midnightrabbi_inspires

Real Flow Together

So we enter a time where there is extra sensitivity to the flow of Divine Providence. Every day, Every way, Every place, Every person has a spark of G-dliness best described as Soul. A chance to experience the Divine. A real opportunity to truly live in the most deeply fulfilled way. To enter inward to the depths of every moment of life filled with eternal lessons, infinite wisdom, love, fear, beauty, balance, victory, humility, synergy, unification, nullification, etc… Tuning daily into the real flow takes self-awareness, spiritual wisdom, soulful living and most importantly the recognition that we are deeply united together at our source including our destination. The point is in a practical way we can live in an expanded conscious way that will be guided from our soul level. We struggle daily to experience our purpose and mission. There is so much drawing us away to escapism and avoidance of our soul purpose. We have to stay focused no matter what. Never allow ourselves to be distracted for long periods of life. Even when we need patience with the process, there is so much to accomplish, and so many different ways to develop our path that makes sense to our guides including our Soulful Values. So let’s clarify in the coming flow here our Soulful Values as this will be the foundation of our next stage of development.

Soulful Values

I realise after listening to hundreds of episodes of Joe Rogan the no. 1 Streaming Podcast that what would assist in all the long and appreciated meaningful conversations is an understanding that all the good values and wisdom come from the Soul level. The root of wisdom and understanding, including the knowledge and ability to apply these important needed values, all comes from the deep awareness within the Soul. The amazing reality is that most humans are unaware of these Soulful Sources of endless wisdom… I am happy to share these clarifications on Joe Rogan’s Podcast alongside every public space I have the good fortune to feature. Today I even got a like from Joe Rogan’s LinkedIn account (It seemed like it’s him lol) and the ability to become contacts today…  The main point is that prayer and awareness of the United Soul level of humanity will allow us ultimately to share these Soulful Values Globally. The Intensity of Hard Inner Work is the only way the Soul will shine from its Source outwards. The good news is with a broken sincere heart and good thoughts the people of Yisrael get an elevation to their higher Source Soulful Values. Let’s discuss this more…

In-Depth Soul Journey

Let’s go deep straight away. We, all humanity are Created with a G-dly soul in the Supernal G-dly image. This is our true animating force within humanity and Bnei Yisrael has a Chelek Elokai Mamal Mamesh within. This means a portion of G-d is within us and intrinsically connects us to our Source, our Purpose, our Destiny. What balances out this human experience called life as the Sefer Tanya explains is the Animal Soul animating our lower elements and drives. This gives us all free will and the inner reality is we have a struggle within. Since every human is a microcosm of the Macrocosm of creation we each impact Creation. The more consistent we are at tapping into our Soulful Source, Purpose, and Destiny the more we can shine into Creation our Divine Energy. This animates the sphere of influence around us as well as the Creation has the ability to also be elevated to our Source. The main point is to learn how to awaken our G-dly Soulful Source in our daily life. This is going to be explained, clarified, and internalized together as we go forward on our in-depth soul journey.

eligoldsmith_inspired A post shared by @eligoldsmith_inspired

We go Deeper…Investment

We have different levels to the Soul, and each human is blessed with their own unique portion and inner world. The key is to be able to go within to explore these different levels with spiritual guides and wisdom which help clarify for us all willing to go deeper. The benefits are eternal as we need to have all kinds of investments of our precious time in this world. Who doesn’t care about their bank accounts? The Physical Investment of a Healthy Lifestyle etc… The Emotional Investment of time with people, care, kindness, sincere empathy being present, etc… The Intellectual Investment of consistently learning, growing our consciousness, reviewing and internalizing wisdom with purpose, etc… The Spiritual Investment is going to be the main focus of our United Souls Journey together, so put your seat belt on as we drive faster and even be willing to let the Soul do the teaching and drive to our hopeful destination of real clarity please G-d… For this Eternal Investment, we shall need extra Heavenly help and we pray together that all our Investments in life should be Blessed…

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

Unity Bookings @UnityInspiresProjects hosted by the @JLE_UK – #rudyrochman #unitybookings DM to #booknow – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ Due to Massive Demand Rudy is Returning to UK 🇬🇧 22nd – 27th May plz 🙏 DM to Book Now…

Howdy Eli and All! There are so many challenges these days and we need Hashem’s mercy just to deal with the pain and the hate.

BUT, Am Yisrael Chai, Israel is 76 years young, Hashem is with us, and I got a chance to bust up Norman Finkelstein, a sick Israel-hater, on the Piers Morgan Uncensored show!

Please let me know what you think and blessings!

Excited to continue to meet many of the people feat. at Biomed Israel 2023 to 24 – enjoying seeing the wonderful growing network opportunities and start-up-pavilion… EmunaIP.com #emunaip #networking #startups #biomed #israel 2024…

emunaip A post shared by @emunaip

Sefirah – Experiencing the G-dly Attributes in Time Likutei Moharan 33 4! Gaza Again & Bibi Tefilin!

Join us with The Unity Inspires Projects! Wishing all only good news – that Ty Hashem all are doing well… So intense Erev Shabbos before our Soldiers entering Gaza again… The Deep Graceful Appreciation of our Soulmate All The More So War Time!

My Soulmate ❤ 😍 tinipops613A post shared by @tinipops613


#Hallel with a #Bracha Erev Pesach Baking Matzah by The TolnaRebbe… #Yerushalyim#Chassidim Working Hard Erev Pesach #Matzahbaking … The Tolna Rebbe Rolling holes in the Matzah to come home 🏡 with 👍 👌 for Simchas Yom Tov in Efrat, Good Yom Tov, all… @midnightrabbi_inspires Happy 😊 Pesach, all. Only Blessings 🙌 of Freedom:) and True Real Nachus… #chagsomayach #rebbe #hallel #erevpesach #pesach #matzah #happydays #emuna #unityflow #UnitedSouls @UnityInspiresProject https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6EJNtDtg0y/?igsh=MWo1Ym4zejI2MWQ3dw==

♬ original sound – Eliezer Goldsmith

@eliezergoldsmith#Hallel with a #Bracha Erev Pesach Baking Matzah by The #TolnaRebbe… #Yerushalyim – #Chassidim Working Hard Erev Pesach #Matzahbaking … The Tolna Rebbe Rolling holes in the Matzah to come home 🏡 with 👍 👌 for Simchas Yom Tov in Efrat, Good Yom Tov, all… @midnightrabbi_inspires Happy 😊 Pesach, all. Only Blessings 🙌 of Freedom:) and True Real Nachus… #chagsomayach #rebbe #hallel #erevpesach #pesach #matzah #happydays #emuna #unityflow #UnitedSouls @UnityInspiresProject

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Summer Support – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our family & friends in the Holy Land and & Globally… #bekind #pesach2024 UnityInspireProjects.com

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 39 – Intimacy, Heartful Goals, & Creation’s Mission!

What Chesed do I do? (Lucy Dee) – The Real Kindness – Yosef Aharon JustOneChesed.org & Midnightrabbi –

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Rest of Winter all 🙂 Shovavim – Spring is on the way…

Story of War in Israel – in front of my NW London family!https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/7dMIbtQ0C2liCcok5eYvAB

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Kosher Music 🎶 & Talmud 2024 Thread of Kindness Likutei ✨ Moharan 3 😁 -https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/1PeyT81HOSa4B7ITDmUYeq

Intimacy with Ourselves and Beyond

To understand the inner realms of our soul we have to learn ourselves better. Constantly rethinking our mindset, understanding our emotions, and at the end of the day not taking ourselves too seriously as we have an infinite spark of joy waiting to express these truths. When we are able to go beyond ourselves we can truly be intimate with someone else. One of the keys we learn from Shovavim is everything has a time, place, and person aka soul flow. We have to learn how to open ourselves to this new reality of the oneness of United Souls. To not allow the darkness and confusion of our troubled generation to allow us to lose focus. We all have the ability within ourselves to truly be intimate with our soulmate. To be fully present and one. To understand Unifications exist in every moment of creation. That every moment of time is a creation and as dark as times seem, there are bright places within that intimate connection of oneness. This brings us to a whole other level of nothingness and oneness. I won’t paraphrase the teachings of Rav Manis Friedman and the Sefer Tanya, but this focus brings us to a clarity of oneness and strength toward truthful intimate moments with our loved ones. This going beyond is the path of the intimate United Souls.

The Goal in Mind with the Value at Heart

Our next step is to build our mission statement. To know our goals with the end in mind, and the values of heart in terms of what to do with our life mission. Preparing ourselves for a true future where we live up to our goals and values. These are all rooted in the soul level. To know the truth of a person is to understand their value system and ability to impact each other during daily life. Our main goal is simply United Souls. Our developed mission statement includes practical steps to get there. This will also include communal and company mission statements, and even more importantly family mission statements. With a clear universal vision and goal in mind, we all can work towards daily achievements and steps towards the mission statement fulfillment. This will help us all personally and universally work with accountability and honesty. With daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly assessments we shall consistently find a true path to success. Our relationships will become more enhanced and our businesses will flourish. By believing in our ability to impact and bring change by living aligned with the Creation’s mission statement we manifest the ultimate unification.

What is the Creations Mission Statement?

I know the Torah and 10 commandments are the true guiding principles and yet simply put here it’s all unified in United Souls. I have the merit to give a course and connect globally online with United Souls! Weekly I get the opportunity to give a class online to 1000s of souls and yet the interactive aspect is best. The interactive option of communication is what the Creation mission statement is all about. A real relationship with the Creator and Creation. Oneness and United Souls in real-time. Real conversation between us and the Creator. The Creator always is talking to us.  The more we think and are in love the more this special Divine Providence of love and kindness envelops us. The more we get ourselves out the way the more the kindness of our Creator can become one with our true will to be one with our Creator. Then all of Creation follows in the evolutionary process of becoming Unified. However, to achieve this awesome goal we have to start with the day-to-day application by writing down our goals and values. Internalizing by an intense contraction of light and inspiration to a clear Mission Statement. To continue to pray and meditate on the source level of the soul of values. And to ultimately manifest a person of light, love, and fulfillment. May we merit all this good and happy truth.

Zera Shimshon Bloopers..

Please check out 32:00 mins into Rav Shlomo Katz’s class – *light 😊 mamesh…* Ty Rav Shlomo – PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏

Hi 👋 , good day! I hope your 2024 is off to a great start. I wanted to thank you again for hosting my artists and speakers like Nissim Black in the past and see if there’s an opportunity to bring him back to your community again in the new year. Here are Nissim’s discounted dates so far: 02/22, 02/25, 03/23, 03/26-27, 04/01-04/04, 05/22, 05/27, 06/05, 06/7-8, 06/10, 08/30, 09/02, plus the days before/after Hanukkah. Purim [03/24 (Tristate only) & 03/25] and Lag B’Omer [05/24-25 & 05/26] are also available but full price. Please let me know if you have any questions or requests and thank you so much for your time & support! unityinspireprojects.com


Saul Blinkoff-Life Of Awesome! on Instagram: “Hollywood professionals possess influential platforms that can amplify important messages for humanity. Ultimately, Hollywood professionals have the RESPONSIBILITY to contribute significantly by advocating for causes that align with the values of humanity.
100 days later, 136 innocent women, men, children and a baby are still being held in captivity by terrorists.
Speak up for humanity… make your voice known! #BringThemHome#BringThemAllHome#BringHershHome#BringNaamaHome#BringNoaHome#BringBibasBack#StandWithUs#100days#makeyourvoiceheard#makeyourvoiceknown

January 16, 2024

Saul Blinkoff – Living a Life of Awesome – Unity Bookings DM – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ – #saulblinkoff #awesomelife #booknow

Happy to Share a New Unity Marketing Opportunity I’m Consulting with – EmunaIP.com – Check out our Main Marketing Page… Kindly Follow – https://www.linkedin.com/company/emunaip/ and Share on…

🌟 Unlocking Success with EmunaIP.com!

Discover a world where innovation thrives and intellectual assets are safeguarded with precision. EmunaIP.com, a global leader in Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Legal Management, is your key to seamless success. 💡✨

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Follow and Share plz our growing Unity Flow Podcast -https://open.spotify.com/embed/show/3tDlNLz3kybD10O72xTsQk

Daveed Levy a new exciting artist is now Unity Booking – DM #daveedlevy #newartist #booknow #unitybookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ – For Daveed’s links – https://poplme.co/hash/xl5XzxO2/1/s

Pre-Game for Stories of Kindness & Where Does Victory Begin? “Real Chesed” Podcast – Eli Goldsmith!https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/4RCBojKqAtCcE2iO7s1RXF

😉 Nekuda Tova Good Points – Azamra & Special Yahrtzeit’s – LM282https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/1g5YRMHvwGH4v9udLVAtbJ

Be a Beinoni – Daily Tanya Summarised Weekly – 5. Inner Truths @ Ben Gurion Airport! https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/09MgCA0pqorRyo3iBE4qWD

The NW London Breslov Crew discusses Israel – Sample of Songs, Sichas Chaverim, & Rabbeinu Nachman!https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/6rGlH4pJGZLsieQOWUiYvp

“The Real War & Peace” The Boys Clubhouse In London – Feat. Eli G & J B – UnityInspireProjects!https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/5XfAW5C9A4e3yQ8hQkm9NV

What is Real Kindness? What is “Winning” Yosef Aharon – JOC-UIP!https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/5uyztRwuPVdDm57v37Oju6

Real Important to Focus on the Good Points & Sing – Azamra Elokai BOdi – Likutei Moharan 282 -https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/2m0doNWB3rdzYYLFcM5DWl

Be a Tzaddick Benoni – Daily Tanya Summarised Weekly – 6. Real Service from Jerusalem -https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/2ZUkOCkzM59dg51YBTGktA

Review Time is Crucial 7. 100 days of War – The Intimacy Course World Bnei Akiva!https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/5VGc17KptmJdlScJKMvtFb

Learning Tanya Perek 1 – “The Tzaddick Clarifies a Benoni” – The Choice 12th Shevat https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/3XJ1OP5b2buXdLKwzxk0My

Kosher Music & Learning 5784 Thread of Kindness – Likutei Moharan 3 (includes all parts)https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/01fkciFzG4OF6XV0YRbvaB

Kosher Music & the Talmud – A 2024 5784 Rav, Friend & Merit Likutei Moharan 3!https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/3JsqQTzloqXPKBNlWWnR4n

So Good Gavriel New Album -https://open.spotify.com/embed/album/41QyRdjSzAMwZgPbzjgcW2

DM #unitybookings https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/

Finally heard from my oldest son 🙌 in Kaan Yunis through the army doctor bH all is good there…. sent some biblical footage as R Shlomo said, beyond words videos of Kabbalat Shabbat together with his unit, sharing his yarmulka, using a Arab cap, etc all beyond words, PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏

101 Days – Another week of gifts from our Chareidi Friends in Yerushalyim for the parents of the Soldiers… only good news…

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-words unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Projects Support – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

United Souls Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith Feat. Oryahh – Updates to Unity Bookings!

We discuss the Baal Teshuva situation, phenomenon, reality, and journey in a deep sensitive way that’s needed! My soulmate leads the way and believes this can be a much greater real discussion. Awareness and connection are key. Please share your Teshuva & #relationshipflow process here – UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com – welcome to join us for our Unity Flow episode – ⁠UnityInspireProjects.com⁠ TBA

United Souls Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith Feat. Oryahh – Including Updates to Unity Bookings! United Souls Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith –https://www.instagram.com/unityinspiresprojects/ – The Last Dance – Feat. Oryahh – Only Strength & Encouragement! Click & Share – ⁠https://fb.watch/kT0jf1r8Au/⁠ – Emuna is our Future – Join Live – ⁠https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNvGKki1b1M⁠ – Join the #lastdance only #srength #encouragement #emunaclass by Eli Breslev Goldsmith – #Emunatour 2023 TBA – Special Guest Flow – Check out Oryahh’s IG – https://www.instagram.com/oryahh_/ @OryahhMusic

United Souls Latest Extract – Subscribe now – ⁠https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b?sd=pf⁠

We discuss the Baal Teshuva situation, phenomenon, reality, and journey in a deep sensitive way that’s needed! My soulmate leads the way and believes this can be a much greater real discussion. Awareness and connection are key. Please share your Teshuva & #relationshipflow process here – UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com – welcome to join us for our Unity Flow episode – ⁠UnityInspireProjects.com⁠ TBA

Also, Check out 2 parts including my soulmate in part 2 How Still In 2023 there is the ability to have #Renewal of #Soulful #Values in our #Relationships! This will be #Real lasting #Foundation for any home BEH – All the main links here United Souls Latest Extract – Subscribe now – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b?sd=pf #unification #unitedsouls #newbook #eligoldsmith @tinipops613 #soulmate #subscribenow Share your #Relationshipflow – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com


Recommending this special interview on the beyond inspiring Rabbi Leo Dee by our friend Yaakov Langer & Living Lchaim – Inspiration For The Nation – let’s do it #powerful…
Looking forward to our Emuna is our Future – Unity Inspires Projects episode to go live bH too –

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith (thank you beyond words for all your years of dedication) – Part 30 – The Unification Flow!

Get #Antisoulism Trending Please! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b

ELI GOLDSMITH MAY 18, 2023 – Dedicated to the #Deefamily… all Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet. 🙂 Good Yom Tov all 🙂 Leave a comment

Preparing for Unification!

In our Relationships, we have to prepare for these special moments of unification. We have to understand the flow that exists in times, times on, and times off, disconnect to reconnect! In marriage, we see this most profoundly and practically too! We have times of intimacy and times of friendship! We are always connected as soulmates. Sometimes physically in this world, we need boundaries in order to Unify at the right time, place, and intention. Preparation is the key, to being focused and available for the relationship on an emotional level. To prepare one’s schedule so the night of connection is a priority. To be kind, caring, and compassionate is the mindset that leads to unified intimacy. And spiritually to pray, meditate and learn about the oneness of the connection in Creation between two halves manifesting this oneness on all levels. The guidance here is that every aspect of life can daily tune us into the sometimes revealed aspect of United Souls.

“There are crucial issues to which the Torah devotes only an allusion, yet the story of finding a bride for Isaac consumes an entire chapter. Because this truly is the theme of all of Torah: The union of male and female energies, so that the world can operate in harmony. The union of heaven with earth. Of soul with the body. Of your spiritual life with your business life. Of light and darkness. Of the Creator and His creation. There really is nothing else. And it all begins with harmony between husband and wife.”

Sefer Hasichot 5751 vol. 1, pg. 95ff.

United at Last!

I’m a big fan of Football growing up, especially Tottenham Hotspur and the English Football team. In fact, I had the merit to be at the last ever standing game at White Hart Lane was beyond words. The power of a football game all United in the quest for success over the other team. Or even more powerfully attending in the Royal Box Live Aid or the Freddie Mercury Tribute etc with thousands upon thousands experiencing the Unity of singing together “We will we will rock you”, “All we need is Radio Gaga”, “We are the Champions” and more… and many other such huge global events. And yet here we are nearing the end of 2020 and no such global events are possible in person. I had personally dreamed and hoped we would be making a Live Aid Unity Focused Event this past Summer. As the lockdowns began and the world plunged into social distancing or preferred choice of words, physical distancing my dream needed a pivot (lol hate this overused word) or transition step. My father shifted my mindset to gather all the talented artists I book for and have begun to book for and make a Collaboration Album. We called this Special Album United Souls #1 and many of the sincere artists with friends donated a track. I couldn’t yet get the involvement of some of the famous Artists I worked with, yet begun my hope for the beginning of many United Souls Collab albums and United Souls projects. The United Souls book we are reading here was inspired by the global Zoom communities begun by my good friend Jeff Pulver and his sister Lauren Pulver. A very special Community was created on Zoom to inspire us all to transform 2020 challenges into growth, happiness, and unity. Our Passions and musical focus have been the key to unity, this was generally the focus of the conversation and that’s where this book begins. I found my desire to write and express my voice of United Souls hearing amongst other souls their quest for fulfilling their unique passion and mission. With the Collab album in development, my brothers Jeremy and Paul at EventMerchandising.com by Dean kindly donated our United Souls logo and some beginning marketing from Indigo Rocks from growmarketingagency.com. All the kindness boosted my desire to unite and mutual understanding with development from in-person events to online communication and such projects, which has allowed a unique form of experiencing the United Souls reality. Our Unity Bookings have mostly switched to being online with all our usual global tours being done by pre-recorded or live Zoom Concerts and Interviews. My yearly Emuna tour to North America and Central America has switched to a gradual online Emuna Tour with weekly classes and communities hosting online meetings and Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, and IGTV live Unity-focused classes. The ability to have developed a high-functioning studio 5 mins walking distance from my home has assisted greatly especially as we opened just as the Corona Challenge began. We have had many talented special guests who managed to make it through this challenging time, and yet even when our main translator was in Quarantine someone was able to kindly fill in for those 2 weeks. Already before this, I have been hosting 3 podcasts recorded mostly through phones, and the anchor app for easy flows with posting has encouraged much online Unity Focused content. The blessings despite the challenges are obvious, outstanding, and beyond words. Personally, a lot of past stories have been resolved during this time period giving an opportunity to do kindness and have potentially more peace of mind. There is much to be grateful for and having these special moments each night to write another page of United Souls is included. I can’t wait to share this in writing and in person. The light of United Souls at last.

Great news – We’d love to have Rudy Rochman whose UK Tour is set to start June 26th for a period of two weeks connect to your community…
Rudy can move around so we can do both areas of London and Manchester.

Price range – plz Reply DM for your needs & community event…

The Focus of the Tour – Jewish Empowerment and Activism in Challenged Times… (Video link go here) –

Please let me know if you have any initial thoughts, questions, or requests, and thank you so much for your consideration! Kind regards and healthy Summer days, Eli and Team. BTW I’m in the UK (Eli Goldsmith) July 6th -11th happy to meet up & connect with your people (Playlist – https://www.facebook.com/watch/132606533481945/691219604759571) too…

New Track & Video from Isaac & Rubenstein – Adon Olam | אייזק ורובנשטיין – אדון עולם –

DM Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #adonolam #Isaac&Rubenstein #IandR #Band #UnityBookings 🙂

Going live weekly BeH – The Zera Shimshon Official Weekly Class By Charles Sakkal – Megilat Rut – Parshat Bamidbar Part 1 – Chag of Torah! Join, Click & Share the above & below Video links – The Zera Shimshon Official Weekly Class By Charles Sakkal – part 1! Join part 2, Send us names, Please Subscribe & Share @TheZeraShimshon

Parshat Bamidbar – Megilat Rut – Preparing for the Chag of Torah #Shavuot #Yeshuot & #blessings…

‎Open this link to join #TheZeraShimshon WhatsApp Group please share on: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EOVAbF9DPb08p84pdDWMgP #thankyou Eli Goldsmith!

Happy 😃 Yom Yerushalayim – Realizing we need to unlock the gates of Jerusalem through unified tearful prayers is one way… another is the power of the Holy Torah – the Holy Torah will emanate from the hearts that are filled with the wise guiding words of learning books like the Garden of Wisdom… Also, on our Brelsev.com site we host many other important Sefarim that help bring #yeshuot for all that learn it – check out The Zera Shimshon – https://breslev.com/product/zera-shimshon-eishes-chayil/ in English & with life-changing power to open up all the gates of our personal and complete redemption! #zerashimshon #thegardenofwisdom #YomYerushalayim

Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter receiving the Zera Shimshon – Click here – special Sefarim from Rav Yisrael Zilberberg – For Info & Dedications Email ZeraShimshonGlobal@gmail.com Join us @TheZeraShimshon – #connect #thezerashimshon #dedication

Great Real Unity Flow from Westside Gravy – HOMELAND –

DM Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #WestsideGravy #HOMELAND #unitybookings​ #standwithus

You are not alone – Moshe Reuven – Official YouTube Video release – Check it out –

#moshereuven #youarenotalone #newvideo #billboard DM eli@moshereuven.com – #booknow #unitybookings – https://moshereuven.com/moshe-s-booking-agent-eli-goldsmith congrats to Moshe Reuven Sheradsky for already reaching 100000 views on his first video release… #unitymusic #emunaglobal #unityflow

Moshe Reuven new Track – #holdingupmyhands – #moshereuven #newtrack #unitybookings

Check out & Share Some New Unity Bookings Shorts of Recent Bookings!

Yep 👍 A Special night #lifted flow @nissimofficial in #Vienna – visits @chabadoncampus – thank you sincerely to our main hosts this long special weekend – https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsM05p3PB2N/?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ== Also @DJHudacris rocking his way to join Nissim Black – only Simchot & enjoy 😊 the #Nbteam DM #UnityBookings – UnityInspireProjects.com – #nissimblack #chabadoncampus #cyp #vienna #chai #touring with #djhudcaris


Happy Lag Bomer event with #YosefKarduner & @rabbishlomokatz – From @shiratdavid…Efrat… ty Hashem… holy of holies #kodeshkodashim Lkovod Rashbi!

Great Emuna Music – check out @YomTovBitonOfficial first video –

DM @EliUnityGoldsmith for אני שר כל היום – יום טוב ביטון – I sing all day – Yom Tov Biton –

Produced by Mikey Mocton aka DJ Keyton – Booking now – Unity Bookings – DM – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #yomtovbiton #isingallday #mikeymocton #djkeyton #unitybooking

Marriage & Divorce with Gary Neuman & Gedale Fenster! Click & Share –

Gedale Fenster Interviews Gary Neuman, who is a psychotherapist, and author of seven books on marriage, divorce, and child psychology.

#GaryNeuman is a rabbi, licensed family counselor, Florida Supreme Court-certified family mediator, and founder of the Sandcastles Program Inc., a nationwide divorce therapy program for children…

My Relationship Flow Book 📖 😆 from early 2000’s –

Excited to announce that we have a returning Special Guest Dr. Benjamin Klempner – “Vibrational Healing” Part 2 – joining our Weekly Emuna Class on Practical Spiritual Mastery Part 3 by @EliUnityGoldsmith – Emunalive.com Time & Date TBA TBC

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in beginning focused 2023!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Click kindly here & send Unity Inspires Projects an appreciated and needed Partnership for the transition Summer months 🙂 Sharing Unity Global – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally… Been a big Merit working and sharing Emuna together!

Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

We discuss the Baal Teshuva situation, phenomenon, reality, and journey in a deep sensitive way that’s needed! My soulmate leads the way and believes this can be a much greater real discussion. Awareness and connection are key. Please share your Teshuva & #relationshipflow process here – UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com – welcome to join us for our Unity Flow episode – ⁠UnityInspireProjects.com⁠ TBA

United Souls Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith Feat. Oryahh – Including Updates to Unity Bookings! United Souls Weekly Emuna Class by Eli Goldsmith –https://www.instagram.com/unityinspiresprojects/ – The Last Dance – Feat. Oryahh – Only Strength & Encouragement! Click & Share – ⁠https://fb.watch/kT0jf1r8Au/⁠ – Emuna is our Future – Join Live – ⁠https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNvGKki1b1M⁠ – Join the #lastdance only #srength #encouragement #emunaclass by Eli Breslev Goldsmith – #Emunatour 2023 TBA – Special Guest Flow – Check out Oryahh’s IG – https://www.instagram.com/oryahh_/ @OryahhMusic

United Souls Latest Extract – Subscribe now –

View original post 1,966 more words

In 2023 the Renewal of Soulful Values in our Relationships is the Real Foundation!


Check out How Still In 2023 there is the ability to have #Renewal of #Soulful #Values in our #Relationships! This will be #Real lasting #Foundation for any home! Stay tuned for part 2 with my soulmate BEH – All the main links here United Souls Latest Extract – Subscribe now – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b?sd=pf #unification #unitedsouls #newbook #eligoldsmith @tinipops613 #soulmate #subscribenow Share your #Relationshipflow – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com


United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith (thank you beyond words for all your years of dedication) – Part 30 – The Unification Flow!

Get #Antisoulism Trending Please! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b

ELI GOLDSMITH MAY 18, 2023 – Dedicated to the #Deefamily… all Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet. 🙂 Good Yom Tov all 🙂 Leave a comment

Preparing for Unification!

In our Relationships, we have to prepare for these special moments of unification. We have to understand the flow that exists in times, times on, and times off, disconnect to reconnect! In marriage, we see this most profoundly and practically too! We have times of intimacy and times of friendship! We are always connected as soulmates. Sometimes physically in this world, we need boundaries in order to Unify at the right time, place, and intention. Preparation is the key, to being focused and available for the relationship on an emotional level. To prepare one’s schedule so the night of connection is a priority. To be kind, caring, and compassionate is the mindset that leads to unified intimacy. And spiritually to pray, meditate and learn about the oneness of the connection in Creation between two halves manifesting this oneness on all levels. The guidance here is that every aspect of life can daily tune us into the sometimes revealed aspect of United Souls.

“There are crucial issues to which the Torah devotes only an allusion, yet the story of finding a bride for Isaac consumes an entire chapter. Because this truly is the theme of all of Torah: The union of male and female energies, so that the world can operate in harmony. The union of heaven with earth. Of soul with the body. Of your spiritual life with your business life. Of light and darkness. Of the Creator and His creation. There really is nothing else. And it all begins with harmony between husband and wife.”

Sefer Hasichot 5751 vol. 1, pg. 95ff.

United at Last!

I’m a big fan of Football growing up, especially Tottenham Hotspur and the English Football team. In fact, I had the merit to be at the last ever standing game at White Hart Lane was beyond words. The power of a football game all United in the quest for success over the other team. Or even more powerfully attending in the Royal Box Live Aid or the Freddie Mercury Tribute etc with thousands upon thousands experiencing the Unity of singing together “We will we will rock you”, “All we need is Radio Gaga”, “We are the Champions” and more… and many other such huge global events. And yet here we are nearing the end of 2020 and no such global events are possible in person. I had personally dreamed and hoped we would be making a Live Aid Unity Focused Event this past Summer. As the lockdowns began and the world plunged into social distancing or preferred choice of words, physical distancing my dream needed a pivot (lol hate this overused word) or transition step. My father shifted my mindset to gather all the talented artists I book for and have begun to book for and make a Collaboration Album. We called this Special Album United Souls #1 and many of the sincere artists with friends donated a track. I couldn’t yet get the involvement of some of the famous Artists I worked with, yet begun my hope for the beginning of many United Souls Collab albums and United Souls projects. The United Souls book we are reading here was inspired by the global Zoom communities begun by my good friend Jeff Pulver and his sister Lauren Pulver. A very special Community was created on Zoom to inspire us all to transform 2020 challenges into growth, happiness, and unity. Our Passions and musical focus have been the key to unity, this was generally the focus of the conversation and that’s where this book begins. I found my desire to write and express my voice of United Souls hearing amongst other souls their quest for fulfilling their unique passion and mission. With the Collab album in development, my brothers Jeremy and Paul at EventMerchandising.com by Dean kindly donated our United Souls logo and some beginning marketing from Indigo Rocks from growmarketingagency.com. All the kindness boosted my desire to unite and mutual understanding with development from in-person events to online communication and such projects, which has allowed a unique form of experiencing the United Souls reality. Our Unity Bookings have mostly switched to being online with all our usual global tours being done by pre-recorded or live Zoom Concerts and Interviews. My yearly Emuna tour to North America and Central America has switched to a gradual online Emuna Tour with weekly classes and communities hosting online meetings and Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, and IGTV live Unity-focused classes. The ability to have developed a high-functioning studio 5 mins walking distance from my home has assisted greatly especially as we opened just as the Corona Challenge began. We have had many talented special guests who managed to make it through this challenging time, and yet even when our main translator was in Quarantine someone was able to kindly fill in for those 2 weeks. Already before this, I have been hosting 3 podcasts recorded mostly through phones, and the anchor app for easy flows with posting has encouraged much online Unity Focused content. The blessings despite the challenges are obvious, outstanding, and beyond words. Personally, a lot of past stories have been resolved during this time period giving an opportunity to do kindness and have potentially more peace of mind. There is much to be grateful for and having these special moments each night to write another page of United Souls is included. I can’t wait to share this in writing and in person. The light of United Souls at last.

New Track & Video from Isaac & Rubenstein – Adon Olam | אייזק ורובנשטיין – אדון עולם –

DM Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #adonolam #Isaac&Rubenstein #IandR #Band #UnityBookings 🙂

Going live weekly BeH – The Zera Shimshon Official Weekly Class By Charles Sakkal – Megilat Rut – Parshat Bamidbar Part 1 – Chag of Torah! Join, Click & Share the above & below Video links – The Zera Shimshon Official Weekly Class By Charles Sakkal – part 1! Join part 2, Send us names, Please Subscribe & Share @TheZeraShimshon

Parshat Bamidbar – Megilat Rut – Preparing for the Chag of Torah #Shavuot #Yeshuot & #blessings…

‎Open this link to join #TheZeraShimshon WhatsApp Group please share on: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EOVAbF9DPb08p84pdDWMgP #thankyou Eli Goldsmith!

Happy 😃 Yom Yerushalayim – Realizing we need to unlock the gates of Jerusalem through unified tearful prayers is one way… another is the power of the Holy Torah – the Holy Torah will emanate from the hearts that are filled with the wise guiding words of learning books like the Garden of Wisdom… Also, on our Brelsev.com site we host many other important Sefarim that help bring #yeshuot for all that learn it – check out The Zera Shimshon – https://breslev.com/product/zera-shimshon-eishes-chayil/ in English & with life-changing power to open up all the gates of our personal and complete redemption! #zerashimshon #thegardenofwisdom #YomYerushalayim

Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter receiving the Zera Shimshon – Click here – special Sefarim from Rav Yisrael Zilberberg – For Info & Dedications Email ZeraShimshonGlobal@gmail.com Join us @TheZeraShimshon – #connect #thezerashimshon #dedication

Great Real Unity Flow from Westside Gravy – HOMELAND –

DM Unity Bookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #WestsideGravy #HOMELAND #unitybookings​ #standwithus

You are not alone – Moshe Reuven – Official YouTube Video release – Check it out –

#moshereuven #youarenotalone #newvideo #billboard DM eli@moshereuven.com – #booknow #unitybookings – https://moshereuven.com/moshe-s-booking-agent-eli-goldsmith congrats to Moshe Reuven Sheradsky for already reaching 100000 views on his first video release… #unitymusic #emunaglobal #unityflow

Moshe Reuven new Track – #holdingupmyhands – #moshereuven #newtrack #unitybookings

Check out & Share Some New Unity Bookings Shorts of Recent Bookings!

Yep 👍 A Special night #lifted flow @nissimofficial in #Vienna – visits @chabadoncampus – thank you sincerely to our main hosts this long special weekend – https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsM05p3PB2N/?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ== Also @DJHudacris rocking his way to join Nissim Black – only Simchot & enjoy 😊 the #Nbteam DM #UnityBookings – UnityInspireProjects.com – #nissimblack #chabadoncampus #cyp #vienna #chai #touring with #djhudcaris


Happy Lag Bomer event with #YosefKarduner & @rabbishlomokatz – From @shiratdavid…Efrat… ty Hashem… holy of holies #kodeshkodashim Lkovod Rashbi!

Contact Direct by WhatsApp Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Click kindly here & send Unity Inspires Projects an appreciated and needed Partnership for the transition Summer months 🙂 Sharing Unity Global – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally… Been a big Merit working and sharing Emuna together!


Great Emuna Music – check out @YomTovBitonOfficial first video –

DM @EliUnityGoldsmith for אני שר כל היום – יום טוב ביטון – I sing all day – Yom Tov Biton –

Produced by Mikey Mocton aka DJ Keyton – Booking now – Unity Bookings – DM – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ #yomtovbiton #isingallday #mikeymocton #djkeyton #unitybooking


Marriage & Divorce with Gary Neuman & Gedale Fenster! Click & Share –

Gedale Fenster Interviews Gary Neuman, who is a psychotherapist, and author of seven books on marriage, divorce, and child psychology.

#GaryNeuman is a rabbi, licensed family counselor, Florida Supreme Court-certified family mediator, and founder of the Sandcastles Program Inc., a nationwide divorce therapy program for children…


Excited to announce that we have a returning Special Guest Dr. Benjamin Klempner – “Vibrational Healing” Part 2 – joining our Weekly Emuna Class on Practical Spiritual Mastery Part 3 by @EliUnityGoldsmith – Emunalive.com Time & Date TBA TBC

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge in beginning focused 2023!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Click kindly here & send Unity Inspires Projects an appreciated and needed Partnership for the transition Summer months 🙂 Sharing Unity Global – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally… Been a big Merit working and sharing Emuna together!

Relationship Flow!

Check out How Still In 2023 there is the ability to have #Renewal of #Soulful #Values in our #Relationships! This will be #Real lasting #Foundation for any home! Stay tuned for part 2 with my soulmate BEH – All the main links here United Souls Latest Extract – Subscribe now – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b?sd=pf #unification #unitedsouls #newbook #eligoldsmith @tinipops613 #soulmate #subscribenow Share your #Relationshipflow – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by Eli Goldsmith (thank you beyond words for all your years of dedication) – Part 30 – The Unification Flow!

Get #Antisoulism Trending Please! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-a0b

ELI GOLDSMITH MAY 18, 2023 – Dedicated tothe #Deefamily…all Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet. 🙂 Good Yom Tov all 🙂Leave a comment

Preparing for Unification!

In our Relationships, we have to prepare for…

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