United Souls – Extracts from New Book Section 2 – by Eli Goldsmith – Part 43 – The Israel War Real Flow, Spiritual Investment & Soulful Living!

United Souls – Exciting Welcome to Section 2 by Eli Goldsmith – A Journey towards Real Unification in Everyway… – Part 43 – The Israel War Real Flow, Spiritual Investment & Soulful Living! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-e1a?r=oyu71

Dedicated to all the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet & must know. Leave a comment

United Souls Section 2 – 2024 & Onwards…

Let’s begin or rather continue with United Souls for our second section of this special intensely needed  Soulful journey… In our first section written 2020-2021, the height of that crazy time we need not name here (may such a Scam never happen again…) the need for a United Soul experience was urgent. We didn’t have the in-person contact with humanity we had grown accustomed to, we had to go either online or preferably inside to a deeper connection with the people in our circle sphere of influence. We then published with the needed general edits in the Extract format on the growing SubStack platforms 2022-3 (Link here –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow LetterUnited Souls …)

“Gaza War to Victory & New Shefa” – Real Kindness Podcast – Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith – UnityInspireProjects.com & JustOneChesed.org

This process was completed in 42 extracts posted with our book content showcasing the current media and updates surrounding its posting. My goal is to publish the book in parts until the required support to fully publish re-edited and packaged in a way that will increase United Souls’ influence so desperately needed in the current climax. My point was to publish at least in parts no matter what. I pray that this Section 2 be written with the same Soulful goal of United Humanity through the Knowledge of the Soul and this time both sections be fully edited and published… Please reach out to make this a reality (DM/Contact UnityInspireProjects.com) until then the SubStack Extracts will continue Part 43 coming soon. The difference with Section 2 of United Souls are many… We are currently in a War in the Middle East let alone the war that has been raging in the Ukraine etc… Personally, we have had many missile attacks and terror attacks Hashem Yishmor, as well, being the parent of my oldest son who currently is serving in the IDF as a Negavist (Machine Gun Fighter for the Determined Elite Unit 101 which consisted for most of the War removing Terrorist from the Gaza Region of the Holy Land). Now the challenge is to bring the United Souls focus in a world that is talking about Civil War in the US etc… growing concern with Ai, challenging economics, distrust of government, and coordinated unrest by the so-called them, AntiSoulism is trending, and without this needed United Soul knowledge I don’t want to exist in such a climate of disunity, my soul begs for Unity, a common Human Value system, and the only place this can be revealed is the True Source – the Human Soul! Our Mission – Reveal The Soul of Yisrael and the Revelation in all its beauty in the Holy Land. Let’s take this journey together and share this light globally.

midnightrabbi_inspires A post shared by @midnightrabbi_inspires

Real Flow Together

So we enter a time where there is extra sensitivity to the flow of Divine Providence. Every day, Every way, Every place, Every person has a spark of G-dliness best described as Soul. A chance to experience the Divine. A real opportunity to truly live in the most deeply fulfilled way. To enter inward to the depths of every moment of life filled with eternal lessons, infinite wisdom, love, fear, beauty, balance, victory, humility, synergy, unification, nullification, etc… Tuning daily into the real flow takes self-awareness, spiritual wisdom, soulful living and most importantly the recognition that we are deeply united together at our source including our destination. The point is in a practical way we can live in an expanded conscious way that will be guided from our soul level. We struggle daily to experience our purpose and mission. There is so much drawing us away to escapism and avoidance of our soul purpose. We have to stay focused no matter what. Never allow ourselves to be distracted for long periods of life. Even when we need patience with the process, there is so much to accomplish, and so many different ways to develop our path that makes sense to our guides including our Soulful Values. So let’s clarify in the coming flow here our Soulful Values as this will be the foundation of our next stage of development.

Soulful Values

I realise after listening to hundreds of episodes of Joe Rogan the no. 1 Streaming Podcast that what would assist in all the long and appreciated meaningful conversations is an understanding that all the good values and wisdom come from the Soul level. The root of wisdom and understanding, including the knowledge and ability to apply these important needed values, all comes from the deep awareness within the Soul. The amazing reality is that most humans are unaware of these Soulful Sources of endless wisdom… I am happy to share these clarifications on Joe Rogan’s Podcast alongside every public space I have the good fortune to feature. Today I even got a like from Joe Rogan’s LinkedIn account (It seemed like it’s him lol) and the ability to become contacts today…  The main point is that prayer and awareness of the United Soul level of humanity will allow us ultimately to share these Soulful Values Globally. The Intensity of Hard Inner Work is the only way the Soul will shine from its Source outwards. The good news is with a broken sincere heart and good thoughts the people of Yisrael get an elevation to their higher Source Soulful Values. Let’s discuss this more…

In-Depth Soul Journey

Let’s go deep straight away. We, all humanity are Created with a G-dly soul in the Supernal G-dly image. This is our true animating force within humanity and Bnei Yisrael has a Chelek Elokai Mamal Mamesh within. This means a portion of G-d is within us and intrinsically connects us to our Source, our Purpose, our Destiny. What balances out this human experience called life as the Sefer Tanya explains is the Animal Soul animating our lower elements and drives. This gives us all free will and the inner reality is we have a struggle within. Since every human is a microcosm of the Macrocosm of creation we each impact Creation. The more consistent we are at tapping into our Soulful Source, Purpose, and Destiny the more we can shine into Creation our Divine Energy. This animates the sphere of influence around us as well as the Creation has the ability to also be elevated to our Source. The main point is to learn how to awaken our G-dly Soulful Source in our daily life. This is going to be explained, clarified, and internalized together as we go forward on our in-depth soul journey.

eligoldsmith_inspired A post shared by @eligoldsmith_inspired

We go Deeper…Investment

We have different levels to the Soul, and each human is blessed with their own unique portion and inner world. The key is to be able to go within to explore these different levels with spiritual guides and wisdom which help clarify for us all willing to go deeper. The benefits are eternal as we need to have all kinds of investments of our precious time in this world. Who doesn’t care about their bank accounts? The Physical Investment of a Healthy Lifestyle etc… The Emotional Investment of time with people, care, kindness, sincere empathy being present, etc… The Intellectual Investment of consistently learning, growing our consciousness, reviewing and internalizing wisdom with purpose, etc… The Spiritual Investment is going to be the main focus of our United Souls Journey together, so put your seat belt on as we drive faster and even be willing to let the Soul do the teaching and drive to our hopeful destination of real clarity please G-d… For this Eternal Investment, we shall need extra Heavenly help and we pray together that all our Investments in life should be Blessed…

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

Unity Bookings @UnityInspiresProjects hosted by the @JLE_UK – #rudyrochman #unitybookings DM to #booknow – https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ Due to Massive Demand Rudy is Returning to UK 🇬🇧 22nd – 27th May plz 🙏 DM to Book Now…

Howdy Eli and All! There are so many challenges these days and we need Hashem’s mercy just to deal with the pain and the hate.

BUT, Am Yisrael Chai, Israel is 76 years young, Hashem is with us, and I got a chance to bust up Norman Finkelstein, a sick Israel-hater, on the Piers Morgan Uncensored show!

Please let me know what you think and blessings!

Excited to continue to meet many of the people feat. at Biomed Israel 2023 to 24 – enjoying seeing the wonderful growing network opportunities and start-up-pavilion… EmunaIP.com #emunaip #networking #startups #biomed #israel 2024…

emunaip A post shared by @emunaip

Sefirah – Experiencing the G-dly Attributes in Time Likutei Moharan 33 4! Gaza Again & Bibi Tefilin!

Join us with The Unity Inspires Projects! Wishing all only good news – that Ty Hashem all are doing well… So intense Erev Shabbos before our Soldiers entering Gaza again… The Deep Graceful Appreciation of our Soulmate All The More So War Time!

My Soulmate ❤ 😍 tinipops613A post shared by @tinipops613


#Hallel with a #Bracha Erev Pesach Baking Matzah by The TolnaRebbe… #Yerushalyim#Chassidim Working Hard Erev Pesach #Matzahbaking … The Tolna Rebbe Rolling holes in the Matzah to come home 🏡 with 👍 👌 for Simchas Yom Tov in Efrat, Good Yom Tov, all… @midnightrabbi_inspires Happy 😊 Pesach, all. Only Blessings 🙌 of Freedom:) and True Real Nachus… #chagsomayach #rebbe #hallel #erevpesach #pesach #matzah #happydays #emuna #unityflow #UnitedSouls @UnityInspiresProject https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6EJNtDtg0y/?igsh=MWo1Ym4zejI2MWQ3dw==

♬ original sound – Eliezer Goldsmith

@eliezergoldsmith#Hallel with a #Bracha Erev Pesach Baking Matzah by The #TolnaRebbe… #Yerushalyim – #Chassidim Working Hard Erev Pesach #Matzahbaking … The Tolna Rebbe Rolling holes in the Matzah to come home 🏡 with 👍 👌 for Simchas Yom Tov in Efrat, Good Yom Tov, all… @midnightrabbi_inspires Happy 😊 Pesach, all. Only Blessings 🙌 of Freedom:) and True Real Nachus… #chagsomayach #rebbe #hallel #erevpesach #pesach #matzah #happydays #emuna #unityflow #UnitedSouls @UnityInspiresProject

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Summer Support – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our family & friends in the Holy Land and & Globally… #bekind #pesach2024 UnityInspireProjects.com

United Souls and Unity Bookings Updates during Israel’s War…

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. A Healthy Spring all 🙂 – With Pesach and Sefirah days already on the way… https://open.substack.com/pub/eligoldsmith/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-45d?r=oyu71&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true Leave a comment

Reviewing the Madness of 2020 and the beginning months of 2021!

I don’t know when your soul will encounter this book, but whenever it is, it will be a lesson that this past year of seeming madness known as the Corona Challenge can bring! Just as we hoped 2021 could be a way forward, it goes sideways with all kinds of beacons of hope! And yet there is only one hope, hope in our United Souls. We have enough universal meeting points and places of connection. How we review our journey, with our values, goals, and dreams in place. How we script our mindset and go forward together. To find those qualities of humankind that bind us all to essential truths. To bring a collaborative focus with daily projects to practically unify our souls! Anyhow, the only point of reviewing the year is to get to those moments of self-improvement. Those moments where life and family have meaning. And when life is missing meaning seemingly we penetrate deeper to see the unification that this is all sourced from and leading towards…

Revealing the ultimate unification is a dream we all should aspire for and work towards like an overarching goal of all our United Souls intentions and efforts. Every little step of positivity and growth is a great step in the process towards our completion. What do we gain from this ultimate mission? Everything and yet completion with the True Nothing that is truly the true something that is the True Everything! The choice and will to perceive and be nullified in the overall United Soul! And yet somehow our individual choice and greatness of soul can stand to glory from this Oneness. True glorification of our Creator’s name and yet intimate connection on an eternal journey beyond. To understand our hearts and eyes can truly unify and cleave to the oneness within all of creation. And the more we pray and yearn for this unified revolution the bigger the vessel and clearer this truth-filled clarification becomes. The key is to understand that all is driven by awareness and love to experience oneness. midnightrabbi_inspires

A post shared by @midnightrabbi_inspires Gedale Fenster with Updated speakers too bH https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/

Now we realize that there is an opportunity for us more than ever to turn around this challenge to renewed relationships, goals, values, and dreams. To reawaken the feeling of being free as a bird. As the united souls stretch forth their wings and sour in song. Elevating the whole of creation to its source and yet able to retain its distinct individual gift of acquired choice. To choose life and return with clarity to those lower worlds and bring the light of clarity wherever we flow.

We get to share a very nice mention and article @jewishnews for @moshereuven – unityinspiresprojects

A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects#unitybookings – https://issuu.com/jewishnewsuk/docs/jn_1361/33 – #moshereuven #jewishnews #uktour – Unity Bookings DM @unityinspiresprojects – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/

Dancing and staging life away from a fearful mindset

Such a challenge in our 2020 generation where we can overcome a fearful mindset, but the system is built by media and government control to increase our anxiety and fear-mongering. My soulmate inspired many parts of this United Souls book and beyond. The concept of dancing and staging life is the key and my soulmate is a role model. She can have all kinds of inner battles and yet through pure will and determination, she creates strategic methods to empower joy and harmony in the home. Her determination to stage and dance her way out of pain and suffering is a huge step in the United Soul direction. To be a soul and to grow in the way of happiness and forgiveness. To know yourself, face yourself, and be giving to others. To stage a meal of happy times and dance. To bring people to a place of goodness and joy. To inspire others is to heal our souls. Like the 12 steps, there is a process to our healing. We have to put in the effort and hard work to acquire our soul level. This is real inner work and true dedication to our greater vision. We have this within us all to fulfill our purpose and transform this struggle into our success. We can stage our lives and dance our way through this challenging period. To face and elevate our everyday real mindset with truth and sincerity. The days we are in are filled with an increase in joy and focus, and this goes together with the voice of the soul which is ultimately always positive. To learn to listen to the true voice within is connected to a wise saying that one of my main teachers taught. We have to remove ourselves for the full revelation of Souls to come forth. Our problem generally is the ego and self which gets in the way of the divine abundance and positive unifying flow which is ready to enter our lives. Once we let go truly everything flows to a positive place. We can elevate everything to its essential goodness. It’s within us to achieve this staged living of smiling, dancing, and singing until we feel it. The power of will can achieve everything. Visualize our freedom of these souls and manifest this true spiritual expression. Wishing us all only good news and fulfillment of our dreams and creativity.

Preparing for these special days of Truth

An awakening of consciousness is beginning on these special days. Specifically when we feel so lost and out of control then is the time to truly let go and turn inside towards the United Soul level. Those people who yearn for truth and creativity are now finding new platforms and places within to achieve this United Soul experience daily. Tapping into the abundant flow that is entering the world and our lives, takes building the vessel to contain the light. Also, to keep going forward no matter what toward our goals, values, and dreams. I have just released our 3rd United Souls Collaboration Album to bring more unity globally through music. People are understanding the gift of life and sharing simple moments with family and friends. May all our Souls shine forth so we can express the voice of our Unification. To yearn and pray for this daily with all our strength. We are almost at the climax of history where we shall hear the final song in United Voices of Souls. We shall be set free from our worries and fears. The key is right now all the insights and talents needed are present. We just have to be patient with the process. Good night as this United Souls book was the next present ;).

Coming to Conclusion to only Begin Again on a Higher plane

Every time we think we have reached a climax or a point of conclusion we realize we need to begin again. This renewal is leading us onto a higher plane than where we began!l. To understand every struggle is a step in the right direction, a struggle of the United Souls! We get to think and grow in different ways! Expand our mindset and go for new opportunities in life. Write a second even clearer book, and collaborate with United Souls as a series of other authors, creatives, and influencers. To release a 3rd or 4th collaboration album, go on a trip to a new destination, join an online Zoom community, create a new piece of art or music, go on a run to begin a new day, share an inspiring post or comment. The point is to begin again with renewed optimism and start life fresh! Btw one of those ways to be renewed was to look for an editor and publisher so we could get a United Souls book out there. In the end even once we publish this first book we shall begin writing a second. All apart from keeping the process moving until 120, well it is my birthday this Sunday Purim in Jerusalem. No better day to discuss renewal than a birthday especially when mine comes on Purim in Jerusalem. The whole inner light of this special time is renewal and as the Corona Challenge reaches a Crescendo renewing from within is the true proactive healthy response! All the birthday blessings and happy Purim to Pesach to us all.

So let’s make this a global collaboration with United Souls. Everyone has their unique light and understanding about what they have to offer. We all are gifted with special abilities to achieve our unique mission. The depth of having a G-dly soul and at the same time a clear purpose in manifesting our unique soul level in creative expression. We all have the inner ability to become who we are supposed to become. Once we let go and flow with a giving focus on the other person’s needs. Now it’s time to rest before the ride gets intense. Even as I write it’s a special day called Purim in Jerusalem and we have opportunities to access higher levels of the soul. We are together on a United Soul Flow towards a greater experience of humanity. To understand that our source of humanity is the soul and our destination is the soul. We right now need to allow ourselves to experience the soul and not let this world or our ego get in the way. The Soul level will begin to manifest and we will spiritualize what is now. To understand how it’s all for the good and yet it’s all right now Created anew. On all levels, we experience the truth of reality and respect this transition of true wisdom to the daily false manifestation. We penetrated deeper and uncovered the hidden coding. The unveiling of the matrix and all forms of lower-level control. Our United Soul is infinite and yet able to be received by a physical vessel. The vessel is a gift in time. All we have to do is go ahead with an open broken heart and all works out for the good. Thank you for your time and attention. I do believe that the sooner we awaken the United Souls reality the sooner we can bring happiness to humankind in real time. So this is all worth the time to reveal the truth of United Souls Globally.

Acknowledgments for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book, second section TBA… 2024…

Thank you soulmate Masha Goldsmith – @tinipops613 & our lovely growing family.

Thank you to all my larger family and friends – The Goldsmith, The Salber & The Dembovsky Family. Dedications to come which B’H will kindly cover all the costs.

Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Kind Investment & Don’t #Passover the Support – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli

Thank you to all my teachers & guides, specifically the Tolna Rebbe Jerusalem, TZS Team, EmunaIP Team, & Rav Shlomo Katz with the growing community in Shirat David, Efrat. Thank you Hashem!

EmunaIP.com Networking Day April 8th, 2024, in TLV at the BPIP conference – an example of the many types of seminars – “Ai Management of the #Ai Era Policy & Practice” -#BPIP #NetworkingEvent #EmunaIP #conference #TLV… emunaip

A post shared by @emunaip

ty @unityinspiresprojects #unitymarketing – We are looking forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program. Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com and let’s do #UnityMarketing together. https://unityinspireprojects.com/contact-our-unity-team/

Parshat Shemini – by Mordecai Holtz –

Aharon & Moshe Rabbeinu HaKohen – The Zera Shimshon Weekly Class – Parshat Torah by Charles Sakkal –

Shavua Tov & Chodesh Tov – New on YouTube TZS Podcast – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9O6X8fYX9SvNbpH-JOkYbGLj2Mo0H9O-&si=5hNm5vYV-7cjpjRF

Also, new on YouTube Music – https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9O6X8fYX9SvNbpH-JOkYbGLj2Mo0H9O-&si=Fh-ggXLe7yWBZ99S

Meor Einaim – Parshat Vayikra – The Call to Gadlus to Greatness!

The Sfas Emmes- The Elders – The Root Above lights us up below. Blessed!

Rebbe Nachman Ben Simcha’s Birthday – Likutei Moharan 33 – Looking for Good & Shalom!

R Shmuel Diamond Experience of Tanya – Bnei-Aliyah.com – Purim Day in Yerushalyim!https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/6SEevvw8GqoLyZuBfLv1y2

Learning Tanya Perek 14 – The Happiness of the Beinoni!

Learning Tanya Perek 15 – Serving Hashem – The 101 Beinoni!

Learning Tanya Perek 15-16 – The Ideal Beinoni of the Baal Shem Tov zya –

Elevation @ EmunaIP.com & Simchas Before Hashem!

Pesach Preps – Don’t Passover The Real Kind Podcast – Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith – UIP & JOC…

Rebbe Nachman Ben Simcha’s Birthday – Looking for Good & Shalom!

Learning Tanya Perek 16 – All In with Love & Awe!

Celebrating Focused Connection through Struggle to Success!

Start Over (Isaac Miracles) –

– re-release United Souls – #isaacmiracles #startover #unitedsouls #unitybookings – https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow LetterUnited Souls – Join us with The Unity Inspires Projects! Only good news – is that Ty Hashem BY is doing well…

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings- UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Pesach & Don’t #Passover the Support – https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Big Hugs to all our family & friends in the Holy Land and & Globally… #bekind #pesach2024 UnityInspireProjects.com

United Souls Pesach – Weekly Emuna Classes & Special Guests – Eli Goldsmith – Mindfulness, Meditation & Hitbodadut!

Happy to have booked to make this a reality with @RabbiKlatzko & Unity Bookings with #nb team – DM for more Nissim Black aka @nissimofficial opportunities and shows… or Email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com #nissimblack #rabbiklatzko #unitybookings #unitymusic #inspiration #musicians #opportunity

Nissim Black Rabbi Klatzko
United Souls Weekly Emuna Class – Click & Share –  https://fb.watch/c2TM8bUV9t/

Join Live by  @GoldsmithEli – Enjoy growing together With #Mindfulness #Hitbodedout filled #Pesach 2022 – Get #Antisoulism Trending Please! – New Time -Tuesday at 315 pm approx! Dedicated to the soul of Rav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L – Updated United Souls list – https://unityinspiresprojects.wordpress.com/2019/06/18/unity-inspires-booking-artists-creatives-events-updated/
Soulful Pesach – The Returning Light Band & Yosef Daniel – Rav Shalom Arush – @GoldsmithEli & Rav Dayan Elgrod – Emuna Class # 66 Q/A! Click & Share – https://fb.watch/c1iiUqjG3g/

Thank you 🙏 all our kind hosts and guests that join #RavShalomArush on our Emuna Tour Events & Beyond – United Souls #EmunaClass Q/A Weekly Sunday 8 30 pm approx – Join live & Partner https://breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html 🙂 Dedicated to the soul of Rav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L – Thank you, all the holy souls #Pesach2022!

For Booking Yosef Daniel – https://www.instagram.com/yosef.daniels.est.2021/ https://www.instagram.com.yosefdanielofficial

Rabbi Benzion Eliyahu Lehrer 🙂 The Returning Light Band including Jacob Brown, Peretz Aubach & R Yomtov Glazer – United Souls Subscribe link below and #unitybookings email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com – Listen to our Emuna Podcast – https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/
Thank You Hashem! Thank you to our MC Eli Goldsmith and Team – Q/A direct – Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il!
Refuah Shleima specifically dedicated our classes to Rav Shalom Arush Full healing – Succes to host Bshem HaRav – Rav Dayan Elgrod!

Reuven Garber WeddingWedding Singer Beyond – Please Email Unity Bookings – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com – #reuvengarber

@אינסטגרם@ (6)Pesach Campaign 2022 – A Time to Make Yom Tov Truly Happy!- “Kimcha D’Piskha” – Flour for Passover – Click on the link and take part in the mitzvah for the whole year partner with Rav Shalom Arush – הרב שלום ארוש – https://breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html

Yes, Unity Bookings – @Eitankatzmusic and Band – DM 🙂 Eli G;)
Happy to assist with the #UnityBookings process – #EitanKatz is the best wedding band & beyond – when you want this special unity focused service 🙂Email – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com

#eventband #booknow‼️

Real Emuna Music… May Eliyahu come soon… sharing on our platforms…  @JudithGerziMusic  for unity bookings DM – @GoldsmithEli or email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com #tyhashem @TyHashem

Aharon Levi – Soulful Pesach –

– Rav Shalom Arush – Sunday’s Emuna Class # 67 Q/A!? Still looking for a SPONSOR? Please let us know asap so we can book Yosef Karduna for a future class! Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il or DM!!! Happy to have hosted such talent in our studio – 😍 Click & Share – @midnightrabbi – Join our EMUNA WhatsApp Group Channel 2 – https://chat.whatsapp.com/G0MKECzqq0Q1Ctq9ViCcia Please contact Direct Eli G for updates and Emunalive Tour 2022 – Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.Co.il & come in person @EmunaTour 2022 Climax Events TBC – LA – Brooklyn – Shabbaton – UK Tour TBA!
United Souls – Extracts from New Book TBA – by @GoldsmithEli – Part 11 – We are alive so now what! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-b55 – Share your #UnityFlow – #UnityBookings – UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com – Part 12 TBA!

How to Let Go & Get All Your Energy Back by Gedale Fenster! Click & Share – https://anchor.fm/breslevisrael/episodes/How-to-Let-Go–Get-All-Your-Energy-Back-by-Gedale-Fenster-e1gcgrl – #spirituality by #GedaleFenster on Let’s Get Real with #CoachMenachem #jewishfaith – Sunday, March 27, Episode # 97 – For Sponsorships Regarding Breslev Power Classes Please Send A WhatsApp Message To (305)290-1492 for sponsoring here please email eli.goldsmith@breslev.co.il or https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html -#tyhashem! Sponsors to Gedale’s Team and causes posted on the video for this class: Thank you to all our anonymous donors – Also for Gedalia to continue to spread light to the Jewish people and to his son’s elevation of his pure soul – Yerachmiel Doniel Ben Gedale. Sponsors for this lecture: Coach Menachem Bernfeld – Thank you…

Join Eli Goldsmith for his ongoing discussion and learning about how to UNIFY OUR WORLD! United Souls Course – PulveRedu – Subscribe here – https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/

Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!



United Souls Weekly Emuna Class – Click & Share – https://fb.watch/c2TM8bUV9t/ Join Live by @GoldsmithEli- Enjoy growing together With #Mindfulness #Hitbodedout filled #Pesach 2022 – Get #Antisoulism Trending Please! – New Time -Tuesday at 315 pm approx! Dedicated to the soul of Rav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L – Updated United Souls list – https://unityinspiresprojects.wordpress.com/2019/06/18/unity-inspires-booking-artists-creatives-events-updated/

Soulful Pesach – The Returning Light Band & Yosef Daniel – Rav Shalom Arush – @GoldsmithEli & Rav Dayan Elgrod – Emuna Class # 66 Q/A! Click & Share – https://fb.watch/c1iiUqjG3g/ Thank you 🙏 all our kind hosts and guests that join #RavShalomArush on our Emuna Tour Events & Beyond – United Souls #EmunaClass Q/A Weekly Sunday 8 30 pm approx – Thank you, all the holy souls #Pesach2022!

For Booking Yosef Daniel – https://www.instagram.com/yosef.daniels.est.2021/ https://www.instagram.com.yosefdanielofficial

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